Amyr Klink Interview

Dialogue among people (nations) is the ideal in human relations. By H.E Sayyed Ali El-Amine

Speech by:

H.E Sayyed Ali El-Amine    17-11-2000

  •   Dialogue among people (nations) is the ideal in human relations.
  •   Humanity is the essence of the heavenly messages.
  •  If it wasn’t to humans there would be no need for Messengers and Religions in the Universe.
  • The more developed regulations (systems) become, the more the need of dialogue is intensified.
  • The dialogue between religions should be kept away from issues that became a matter of history, and was not caused by religion.
  • The Holy Bible, which says (Thou Shalt not kill), how can it be accountable for the killing, and the Holy Quran which says (But Allah loveth not mischief), how can it be responsible for the attacks. It is human responsibility.
  • Christianity as a religion is not responsible for the tragedies that took place among humanity in the first and second world wars.
  • Islam the religion was not responsible as a religion for the tragedies that occurred from the wars carried out by the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe and Asia.
  • Heavenly messages are from the one creator who is God Almighty and revolves around one axis who is human.
  • The heavenly messages want and expect from us spiritual highness and moral…
  • Religions are of one essence no matter how different the formulations and forms.
  • Do not waste time on the subject of variation in ’Sharria law’ and curriculum.
  • The one thing which I care, am concerned about and take care of is how you deal with the other and not is a question of what believes or worships the other.
  • Inter-religious dialogue must be based on acceptance of the other as they are and not as a dialogue with missionary aims to convince the other with your religion.
  • The dialogue and encounter between Christianity and Islam is essential.
  • We need to establish a common religious institution to study Christianity and Islam together, and focus on extracting the most common denominators, and what many connections there are, to study. The Pastor and the Sheik will sit on the one seat in one school and then proceed to the world for guidance.

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