The Manchester Guardian, 26 May 1915.

In commemoration of the100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. the central bank of Lebanon has issued a new paper money (1000 pound).

Thank you Lebanon! 

In commemoration of the100th Anniversary of the  Armenian Genocide. the central bank of Lebanon has issued a new paper money (1000 pound). 

Also the Minister of Education has decided to close all public and private schools in the country! Shokran ya Lebnan . (Thank You Lebanon)


 1ooo lira



La banque centrale du Liban a émis un billet de 1000 Livres (0,65 cents) en mémoire du génocide des arméniens.

Le Ministère de l’Education Nationale a décidé la fermeture des écoles publiques et privées le 24 Avril toujours pour la même raison .





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