Honoring the Founder of the “Lebanese heritage House”in Lebanon.

The ” Lebanese Development Network ,” and ” Carthage Center of for Research and Information” ,In association with  the British Columbia ( Canada )and Queensland ( Australia) branches of WLCU, Honored the late educator , painter and poet Marie Khalife.

A special ceremony was held at the museum “Lebanese heritage House “which was established by Marie Khalife in the town of Mayfouq – Jbeil.

Celebration was attended by friends and family members of the late founder , president of the municipality of Mayfouq – Joseph Adib Wehbe , Father Elias Andari from the convent of Mayfouq ( Order of the Lebanese Maronite ), also Dr. Anis Karam (Past World Vice President of WLCU), Mansour Khoury (past  Assistant Secretary General of the WLCU).

Three awards were presented:

-Dr. Guita Hourani presented the “Lifetime Achievement Award “on behalf of “Lebanese Development Network,” and ” Carthage Center of for Research and Information,”.

Award received by Mrs. Tamam Hassache  Khalife (Marie’s mother).

– Dr. Nicholas Kahwaji (Canada), presented a “recognition award” on behalf of Mr. John Badr,( President of WLCU-BC Council), in appreciation of Marie’s great effort to collect the heritage items.

 Award received by attorney Antoine Khalife. (Brother)

-Mr Antoine Manassa (France) Presented the “Statue of Khalil Gibran to honor the leading cultural activities” on behalf of Mr Antoine Ghanem, the President of WLCU- Queensland, (Australia).

 Statue received by Mr. Khalife   Khalife. (Brother).

The ceremony included a visit to the museum, which contains hundreds of rare old pieces, especially those used daily by our ancestors in their homes or businesses.

The late Marie spent her life in collecting it from all Lebanese regions.

 The audience commended the late Marie on this individual work, stressing the need to include the museum on the list of cultural and touristic places in Lebanon. They also wished upon the Municipality of Mayfouq – Qattara its support to ensure the continuity and development of this national and cultural work.

The museum is highly important to be visited by the children of Lebanese expatriates and younger generations living in Lebanon. 

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