“For a sustainable public transport in Lebanon” Past present & the future…
a conference at the Unversity of Montreal By Elias Maalouf
event sponsored by the the WLCU British Columbia Council.
Elias Maalouf (co-founder of the Lebanese NGO Train Train)
On May 1st, 2016, the Lebanese student Federation in Montreal (Tollab) and the Council of British Columbia of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) organized a conference at the University of Montreal entitled “For a sustainable public transport in Lebanon: A meeting with the founder of the NGO Train / Train, Mr. Elias Maalouf. “
Mr. Maalouf presented the history of the public transport in Lebanon and the possibilities of restoring the railroad. Then, the participants continued the discussion around a small reception. In order to thank the organizers of the evening, the speaker offered two copies of the book « Lebanon on Rail » to Mr. Pierre Ahmarani, director of Radio-Canada, Arabic Section, and to Mr. Sari Madi, president of the Federation of Lebanese students.
Pierre Ahmaranian received a copy of the Book” Lebanon on Rail” from Mr Maalouf.
A reception followed the conference where Mr Maalouf mingled with the audience and it was a good opportunity for him to meet distant cousins for the first time.

Original invitation in French of the event sponsored by the Lebanese student Federation in Montreal (Tollab) and the Council of British Columbia of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU)