Souad Kesserwani: “Happiness comes from inside”
23. December 2015
The Netural Christmas Poster 2015 is titled „Pieces of Happiness”. It is the proud result of our cooperation with Lebanese artist Souad Kesserwani.
Late last November she gathered all Neturals together and led them on an expedition to the roots of individual happiness, resulting in a colorful visualization which celebrates the many facets of life. The following background interview throws some light on the creative process and the inspiration that drove it:
Souad, a text in your painting reads “Happiness comes from inside”. What deeper meaning does this statement carry for you?
Happiness is a kiss and a “thank you” from love. Whenever you love, Love comes and thanks you, kisses you and gives you back a beautiful feeling of satisfaction. You feel it deep inside your heart where it cannot stay there as a prisoner, so it goes out through your smile, your eyes, your attitude, your thoughts and your reactions. It motivates you to live better and encourages you to give more and to love even more. Happiness has wings, so big, so light and it has also roots, so deep, so strong!
How did the concrete concept of this work emerge? What inspired you to choose a collaborative approach?
When Netural proposed the concept of happiness and asked for an idea for a Christmas gift, it was an obvious choice for me to involve all Neturals in an art workshop to reflect a sincere piece of happiness from everyone. The collaborative work fits the theme perfectly, because when happiness is shared and deeply felt, it grows and spreads. I contributed my talents, my experience, my knowledge and a lot of positive energy to encourage all participants with no exception. I cannot think of a gift more precious than a sincere piece of your heart. Netural in all, gave all its heart!
How did you experience collaborating with everyone at Netural? Did you start into the project with preconceived expectations about the process and its outcome?
The Neturals were really courageous! They broke the borders of what they knew and what they learned to be and went out to express what they were feeling deep inside. It made me really happy to see them willing to express themselves with freedom and creativity, conscious about time and space, about the moment now and their position here. They all contributed their sincere feelings as what we called “a piece of happiness”. I was expecting this respectable attitude, having fun, some well-done pieces and some trials, but I was honestly surprised by the high quality of work with no exception.Netural“Pieces of Happiness” Workshop
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The team effort produced a painting which shows semblances with pop artist James Rizzi´s hidden object cityscapes, and also a generous amount of artistic spirituality. How would you explain these style choices? How colorful can happiness be?
I enjoy Rizzi’s art. It is simple, joyful, colorful and clear. Even children can understand his paintings. The Happiness artwork was full of symbols, fantasies, ornaments and variable elements, where everyone has hidden his own story behind it, swinging between figurative and abstract emotions. What might remain common with Rizzi’s art is the colorfulness and the ‘assemblage’ created. Happiness doesn’t demand special colors and it is not always colorful. Sometimes it goes out so elegant and firm with simply black and white.
Looking back at the genesis of the painting, what do you remember as the pivotal moments, the greatest surprises?
It was in whole, second by second, an intense experience full of pleasures and happiness. Even persons whose work environments are shaped by abstraction, precision and strategic thinking were excited to leave the terrain of predictability and get into the freehand and free mind expressions. 62 Neturals went all the way and 62 pieces added up to something bigger than the sum of its parts.
One last, very personal question: What makes you happy?
Happy are those who believe. I feel always supported by heaven and I work to be always connected. In this life full of complications one cannot always be jumping and singing joy, but whenever I feel worried and weak, I realize that I am really well connected, and with this positive energy I expect that everything will work out fine. My life has been a big, tough adventure which now provides me with deep happiness, inner peace, stability, self-confidence and a satisfaction to be unsatisfied and to look for more, positive, motivated, always thankful. I am happy to be a mother and to share creation, happy to be an artist so sensitive and transparent, happy to share my experience, my talents, my art, my joy, my pain with others whom I call brothers and sisters, happy when I can make others happy, here, I feel the essential mission of life, this is the eternal happiness, to serve Love!!!
To get the „Pieces of Happiness“ poster better order now, because the edition is limited. Simply send an e-mail to [email protected], re: „Happiness comes from inside“. We charge EUR 45.- plus postage to the address you specify.