Letter from WP Mr. Alejandro Kuri Pheres to WLCU officers and members- 28 September 2015
Mexico City
All members of the World Lebanese Cultural Union
Dear brothers,
As you all know, over a year ago, I initiated direct talks with the groups led by Mr.
Ahmad Nasser and Mr. Albert Matta, respectively; in order to eventually achieve a
unification aimed towards ending more than 20 years of conflict, discomfort and
For over 12 months, with the authority given to me at the World Council meeting in Los
Angeles in December 2015, later on ratified in Beirut in August 2015, with the assistance
of our ongoing Dialogue Committee, formed mostly by former presidents of our Union,
the unification project has been my main task. Meanwhile, I have been trying to keep up
with other major priorities related to our institution that include:
1. Our association and participation at the works of the United Nations.
2. Our Websites and application for smart-phones
3. The Review and update of our bylaws
4. Updating our membership and the registration of affiliates and national
and regional councils.
5. Conceiving a financial plan that achieves the economic autonomy of our
6. Strengthen our Youth Programs……
………my approach with the other groups has always been to convey something that
I am convinced of. Only together, we can enjoy an organization that fully represents,
without any doubt, the Lebanese emigration in the world, with sufficient capacity to
coordinate with the Lebanese government without ever compromising its autonomy
i.e.,the World Lebanese Cultural Union, the dream that was realized by our founding fathers,an institution of which we can all be proud.
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Letter from WP Mr. Alejandro Kuri Pheres to WLCU officers and members- 28 September 2015