Lebanon, always on my mind
The Lebanese Canadian Society of BC (LCS of BC) with the collaboration of the World Lebanese Cultural Union – BC Council (WLCU-BCC) had the honour of hosting a reception to mark the accomplishments of the Lebanese Canadian Author Mr. Pierre Ahmaranian who is the head of the CBC, Arabic section of the Radio Canada International, as well as an Arabic Teacher at the University of Montreal.
On Thursday June 5th, 2014, it was a great turnout to the downtown Vancouver Public Library to listen to Mr. Pierre Ahamranian who read excerpts from his book “Loubnan fil bal” “Lebanon, Always on my mind”.
Among the many attendees were Mr. John Badr WLCU BC Council President,from New York Dr. Mohamad Al Choum WLCU North America President, who came especially to attend the event, Dr Nick kahwaji (past WSG), and Camille Louis LCS of BC President.
LCS of BC, BC Youth and WLCU BC Council each presented Mr. Ahmaranian a plaque in recognition of his exceptional contribution to the Lebanese Abroad.
Melanie kahwaji and Mark Ghanem presenting Pierre a recognition plaque.
The evening concluded with a book signing session followed by a cocktail reception.
Order you book today at lcsbc.ca/pierreahmaranian