First email from the WSG, Dr Nick kahwaji to Secretariat general team: In order to prepare ourselves for the big start in Jan 2010…

First email from the WSG, Dr Nick kahwaji to Secretariat general team (28/12/2009)

Dear Secretaries     

    I hope you are enjoying  the Christmas holiday ,and you already received what you need from the previous Secretaries ,including an email list that you may need to update , and   In order  to prepare ourselves for the big start in Jan 2010 , I am sending you my first  email with :

1)       Logo Attached , please advise all chapters to use it , also make sure to replace the old logo in your websites.

1.A) Please use a similar signature like mine  at the end of your e-mail , for Latin America and  Brazil or French countries ,please add below the “World Lebanese Cultural Union”  ,the name  in the language of your area , or use your respective language for the whole text  , ,but keep the “World Lebanese Cultural Union”  .

1.B) Any one of our Team  could propose a new form of business card ,to be used by all  WLCU Leaders ,as you know , all organizations  or universities uses one design of Business card ,but not us ,we should come up with one design and propose it in the near future.

1.C)Attached a personal  letterhead as an example for you to follow ( change info  accordingly) and use as you see fit .

1.D) we should come up  with one design of a WLCU  Pin.( and  propose it later).


2)     Applications (for chapters and individuals) are  attached please check it out , see if you like to add  more questions to every form ,than change respectively the letter head to match your geographical region( translate the content) and send it back to me .

2.A)  We should come out with a new application form for affiliated chapters(clubs or organizations  that already exist ) who are willing to join us.(check article 7.a of the Internal regulations).

 3) An  Affidavit to be sign by the elected president of the chapter sending and application (we should come up with a certain  form ,please check the affidavit required in Canada ,and propose something similar)


4) Check part7 ,article 35 ,there is 8 committees that needs to be reviewed, and revisited ( I will send you a proposal in the near future)

5) please send any suggestions ,and offer any help you could .

      I trust you to read and understand the Basic   Constitutional  Law and the internal regulations , if you need any clarifications  please contact me, or our Legal advisor Eng . Anise Garabet ,it is our responsibilities to tell our members and leaders that we are not going to run our affaires the same way conducted in Lebanon , but as we are affiliated with the DPI-UN  and we have a vision ,and vision is Future ,and  as we are working toward a common Goal  , we believe  that our organization will  reinvent itself.

        Finally ,I will always ask you to not   hesitate in the future  to   enforce our own bylaws  on ourselves  and on our members …

       last suggestions :

  Let choose a theme for every month , where we could discuss-via email- a subject related to the WLCU daily affaires, we could share news and views with our regional leaders and their members , we could instruct ourselves and instruct others ,I would like to propose the first three subjects and monitor the discussions :

         for Jan 2010 the theme is about  :       Bylaws and NGO

         for Feb 2010  the theme is about  :      El-emigrante project and cultural activities

          for March 2010 the theme is about : Relations with the Lebanese republic.


I will send you all info that  I have related to these subjects to be discussed between us -Secretariat general’s Team – and you could share it with your regions, and inform all our members .

     Yours truly

   Dr Nick Kahwaji (WSG )

         28 december 2009

First email from the WSG, Dr Nick kahwaji to Secretariat general team (28/12/2009)

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