International multilingualism conference: Language can be a conduit to justice

The Daher family remember Elias and Nehmi on the International day of the lebanese emigrant

The Daher family remember Elias and Nehmi on the International day of the lebanese emigrant 2014.

They both came back to Lebanon…
In memory of all the Lebanese people of the world, forced to leave their beloved land.
In memory of all the expelled and forced to emigrate, looking for other beloved lands as our Argentina.
Our tribute to a Lebanese immigrant,Don Elias Daher, NĂ­nawa Daher‘s great-grandfather and co-founder of the Club Libanes, who opened his store LA LIBANESA in 1930.
In the photograph he is joined by his brother Don Nehmi Daher.daher elias and nehme(arg)

One Comment

  1. Hello i was wondering if you have some more information or where i can look for the history of elias daher who is my great great grandfather

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