Learn more about Dr Wissam Salame the famous Lebanese Belgian doctor and one of the active charity promoter in Lebanon.

The CV of  Françoise Hbeyka (Hobeika) ( Beirut, Lebanon) 
[email protected]
[email protected]

   2009      Release of the guide- book (eng & fr versions)   supported by the                        Ministry of Culture, Beirut

              World Book Capital program : “Beirut Guided Cultural Tour”.

                            “Beyrouth Visite Culturelle Guide”
   2008 till present :   Lecturer at the AUL Kaslik of  History of Art,  Architecture                                             & Furniture.

   2007-2008          AFSI :   Association Française de Solidarité Internationale. 

                                         Assistant and collaborator of the AFSI President                                                    

   2006                       Ministry of Tourism                                                                                                    Beirut, Lebanon

•    Updating and re-writing the brochures of the Ministry of Tourism, Lebanon – covering archaeological, historic, touristic sites, museums and natural reserves

   2006                       Medina Website Project                                                          Beirut, Lebanon

•    Assistant Chief Editor of the Medina website in Lebanon – a European Commission project. Focussed on the writing and editing of several documents and translation and retranslation of documents and essays.

•    Expert & Writer of the Lebanese Folk Traditions page of the Medina website.

2002 – 2003                        Tour  Leader                                                                                                        Egypt, Spain, France

•    Tour leader during Christmas and New Year period with Lebanese groups in High Egypt as well as leading Lebanese groups in Madrid & Andalusia,, Spain and other Lebanese groups in Lourdes, Normandy and Paris in France

2003                                Public  Relations                                                                                                     Beirut   Lebanon

                            Responsible of the public relations in the organization of the meeting of  “Mondial  Movement         

                               of Mothers”   titled ” Role of Mothers in Peace Establishing”  at the ESCWA Beirut Down Town.

2001                                Tourism Exhibition                                                                                                         Dubai          

                            Representing Liba Tours at the Tourism Exhibition in Dubai

1998 – 1999                     Unesco: Documentary & articles                                                                                        Beirut, Lebanon

•    Writer and presenter of the educational film Beqaa Valley produced for UNESCO. Also, y’ve worked on several cultural articles covering Sidon and Tyre.

1994-95 &  2003                      Archaeological  Excavation                                                                                           Linz, Austria

•    Training with Stadt-museum team that led in collaboration with  Vienna & Salzburg Universities archaeological excavations in Linz, Austria (pre-historic and Celtic eras).


1994                       Archaeological  Excavation                                                                                       Beirut, Lebanon

•      Training in archaeological excavations in Beirut Downtown with UL,  Dr Karam team

1992 – 2006          Tourism Consultant, programmer & Cultural Tours Conductor                                                         Lebanon & Syria

•   Fully Qualified cultural Tours conductor in Lebanon and Tour leader in Syria. Tours programming  for different travel agencies.

1992 – 1994                           El Hayat                                                                          Beirut, Lebanon

•    Editor of several articles appearing in the Cultural Section of the daily El Hayat

1988 – 1990          Lebanese Radio ( Fanar): Delegate to the Presidency Palace                                                          Baabda                                                                                                            

•    RL (Radio Lebanon: Part of the permanent News department’s delegation to the Presidential Palace of the Lebanese Republic.
 • Preparation and presentation of the program (el Helou Loubnan) The Beautiful Lebanon.

1987 – 1988          Documentary: The Roots of Lebanon (Jouzour Loubnan)                                        Beirut, Lebanon

•    Part of  Dr Selim Dib team in the documentary “The Roots of Lebanon” for the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC)


1982- 1987           LEBANESE University                                                                                    Fanar, Lebanon

      •        L.U, faculty of Letters and Human Sciences department of Archaeology & Fine Arts: Archaeology graduate. MS Archaeology: units

1994 – 1998          ITALIAN LANGUAGE                                                            Beirut, Lebanon &   Sienna, Italy

      •        Italian Language Course at the American Language Centre

               then at the Italian Cultural Institute & the UNIVERSITA PER STRAMIERI


      •        Private Teacher of History of Art  ( T.S. Course)


• Languages: Arabic (native), French, English, Italian, German.

•   Peace Ambassador at the Universal Peace Federation ( NGO registered at the UNESCO).

• Interests: Swimming, jogging,  reading , attending lectures, researches making.

• Computer languages (Windows, Words, Excel, Internet, Power point). 

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