“6,000 years ago, as the neighboring civilizations built houses out of clay bricks and mud blocks, the people in Byblos used stones, excavated from quarry hard rock” by late Charles Corm.

“6,000 years of Peaceful Contribution to Mankind” by late Charles Corm

6,000 years of Peaceful Contribution to Mankind” by late Charles Corm

In 1934, the US Jesuit priests Ewing and Doberty discovered the Jeita Grotto in Lebanon. And 20 meters deep in the rubble, they found a skeleton of a 10 year-old that they christened Egbert. The features of the skeleton, of 50,000 years ago, had the same modern physical features of current mankind.

6,000 years ago, as the neighboring civilizations built houses out of clay bricks and mud blocks, the people in Byblos used stones, excavated from quarry hard rock.

The stones house was held by 7 stone pillars: 3 pillars embedded in the stonewall on each side, and the 7th pillar installed smack in the middle, acting as buttress to the 6 pillars by means of wooden beans… Thus, this dictum of “The 7 pillars of wisdom

The French archeologists Dunant and Pierson explain this usage of the 7 pillars of wisdom as a symbolic example of perfection.

The Phoenicians discovered the North Star, which the Greeks christened “The Phoenician”

1. The maritime periplus of Hanno:

This Carthage admiral (500 BC) explored the western coast of Africa and reached Cameroon, and established 300 colonies or trading posts.

Hanno loaded 6 galleys of 500 mariners each and crossed the Straits of Gibraltar, moved beyond Senegal, Liberia, Nigeria and up to Cameroon. The volcano of Mount Cameroon, the only active volcano along this coast line, was in eruption and the fumes formed a “Chariot” shape. Hanno called it “Kamour Ayoun” or (Chariot of the Gods).

This expedition met with gorillas and they named them “N’Ghoril” or the “hairy man”

A few of the colonies were Tangiers, Agadir, Acra, Arambys, Cerne, Roxo, Noun, Gytte

Names such as Hani (Hani Baal), Hanoun, Hnein and Honein refer to Hanno

2. The maritime periplus of Himilco:

Himilco set out from Carthage around 500 BC and reached England, Ireland (Holy Island), and the Baltic Sea

The Isles of Scilly (south England) is still called Cassiterides (from Kasdir or Tin, where Carthage mined the tin mineral)

Carthage also profited from the “murex” seashells in Neabra-in-Castleand established the purple dye industry. Historian Will Durant argues that “The Phoenicians were nothing if not the Britons of antiquity…”

The German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) stressed that the Phoenicians’ amber necklaces found in Tirynsian tombs were genuine and authentic amber of Baltic provenance.

Actually, many Baltic cities in Medieval period made their fortune trading amber that conferred initial magnetic shudder named “electrum”

3. The maritime periplus of Necho around the Cape of Good Hope

Pharaoh Necho II (610-595) dispatched a Phoenician expedition from the Red Sea, down the Indian Ocean, and around Africa continent, and back to Egypt through the Mediterranean Sea.

The sailors claimed they had the sun on their right side in one portion of the periplus instead of the left side.

(The southern stretch of Africa reaches below the Equator before the sun rises back to the left toward the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean).

They circumnavigated the African continent, thousand of years before the Portuguese and Spanish mariners

Victor Berard (1864-1931) argued that the “Odyssee” of Homer was based on a traditional Phoenician periplus

As the Chaldean reached the Americas from the East (through the Pacific Ocean), the Phoenician landed in South and North America westward through the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of years before the European colonialists.

The Phoenician reached Americas in two directions:

1. The distance from Cape Verde (west Africa) to the eastern tip of Brazilis much shorter from Tyr to the Straights of Gibraltar or from Carthage to Cameroon. The vessels floated adrift, taking advantage of trade winds blowing in an oblique direction around the tropic.

2. From Portugal to the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Stream drifted the vessels.

There are similarities in the customs, rituals and solar/cosmic cults… among the Phoenician and Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas civilizations

Traces of Phoenician 22 alphabetical letter characters were identified in Brazil, Mexico, Urugway, and the USA (the Susquehanna Stones…

The next posts will provide additional proofs from Venezuela, Brazil, Polynesia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, Samoa and the Bering Strait

A few of the cities that the Phoenicians established along the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea:

1. On current Syria: Ras Shamra, Gabala, Paltos, Balaneae, Antaradus, Aradus, Maratus..

2. On current Palestine coast: Ace, Ptolemais, Gaba, Dora, Paneas (Caesarea of Philippi)…,

3. Inland of Syria: Apamea

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