The film, “The Reluctant Visionary,” explores the spirit of one of the 20th Century’s most celebrated poets, Kahlil Gibran, through his most prized work, “The Prophet”. Gibran’s poetry has inspired over 100 million readers worldwide from all walks of life. We seek among them guides along our global search to discover the Spirit of the Man, the Poet, and the Visionary. Along our journey, we hear from some of the most momentous minds of modern day: the rich, the poor, the famous, and the infamous, whose lives were inspired by his words and art. Through each of these readers, we hope to realize Gibran’s poetic outcry as he bridged the sea of humanity while urging us to seek the beauty within and celebrate the unity of our spirits as One. Are you one of us? Then join us on our journey and become a contributor. http://www.gibranfilm.com/
Looking for the spirit of Kahlil Gibran