Lebanese Canadian Society of BC | Ladies Lunch, May 26, 2013 | President Message

Dear Ladies and Youth,

As always, the Lebanese Canadian Society of BC is delighted to welcome you to its “Ladies Get-together Lunch” today.

Since its establishment in 1965, this organisation has always considered the ladies as its backbone; without you, LCS of BC could not be one of the best Associations in the Diaspora.

Our unlimited ambitions that we inherited from our ancestors the Phoenicians continuously push us to be better than we have ever been and reaching summits is our main goal.

You, ladies, are the key contributors for the continued success of our society. Eventhough some of your children and/or grandchildren were born and raised in this wonderful country, Canada, It is important that you keep instilling the love and passion towards Lebanon and reminding them of their roots and heritage.

The society needs your help to protect our Lebanese identity.  You must educate your family about our lovely country Lebanon, bring your entire family to all the LCS events, don’t miss any, and spread the LCS’s good name and mission, that’s the biggest help you can continue to offer us.

To conclude, I would like to thank all the fabulous women of our society; those who are present and those who were not able to make it today,

A Special Thank You goes to our supporters and donors who always give generously,

A Warm Thank You to the organising Ladies committee who have worked extremely hard in the past few weeks to make this event a success

Finally, please mark your calendars for the two upcoming events: Member’s Day Picnic on Sunday June 23 at 10:30AM, as well as Fusion Festival on July 20 & 21

Enjoy your lunch!

Camille Louis



Note: Event Photos to Follow

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