Estimado Presidente,
Gracias por el regalo para el Líbano y el Museo de las Migraciones.
También agradecemos al Dr. Nick Kahwaji por su ayuda en la obtención de una copia de la estampilla conmemorativa para el Museo.
Se adjunta, es una carta oficial de agradecimiento. Cordialmente,
Dr. Hourani Guita MA, MURP, PhD
Director Lebanese Emigration Research Center
Notre Dame University
P. O. Box 72 Zouk Mikayel, Lebanon
Tel. 961-9-208992 Email: [email protected] URL:
Mr. Victor Bustani Moukarsel
President of Centro Libanés Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico 15 April 2013
Dear Mr. Moukarsel,
We were delighted to receive the stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Centro Libanés in Mexico, you so kindly sent on behalf of the Centro Libanés to the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) of Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon. We thank Dr. Nick Kahwaji for securing a copy of the stamp for the museum.
The stamp has been added to the Center’s holdings and will be on display at the Lebanon and Migration Museum.
The Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC), which was founded by Notre Dame University-Louaizé (NDU) in 2003, has already a very impressive collection of MA and PhD theses collection on Lebanese migration from around the world. LERC also has the most extensive electronic and digital collection on Lebanese migration, as well
as a very diverse resource library. LERC’s nucleus museum includes small collections from Brazil, Nigeria, Columbia, Argentina, Mexico, USA, and Lebanon. In all of LERC’s collections one finds books, articles, papers, essays, monographs, biographies, memoirs, journals, newspapers, directories, anniversary and special issues, postcards,
stamps, diasporic literature including poetry and novels, family and genealogical chronicles, village history books, diaries, manuscripts, interviews, illustrations and drawings, maps, posters, photos, invitation cards, Christmas and other cards, diaspora association accounts, music CDs, cassettes, records and other types of audio recordings, motion pictures such as films, movies, videos, documentaries, DVDs and the like, pamphlets, periodicals, petitions, and cultural material (e.g., clothes; marriage, birth and death certificates; medals and citations; travel documents; identity cards; recipes; household items; religious artifacts; obituaries; archaeological items; paintings; portraits; cartoons or caricatures; musical sheets; memorabilia; and any other object that is related to the life of a Lebanese
migrant, family or community).
LERC has become the main research center and chief repository archive for Lebanese emigration worldwide.
We are encouraging people to share their family migration history and memorabilia with us to commemorate their family members past and present and to become part of the collective memory of the Lebanese around the world. We are also urge organizations to also send documents, publications, and photos pertaining to their history and activities.
There are three ways of doing so:
1) by sending original material;
2) by sending a combination of some original
material and some copies or preferably digitized material; and
3) by sending digitized material. We hope that your organization will continue to dispatch items to us to enrich our history collection on Lebanese in Mexico and to
encourage other Lebanese to follow suit.
We invite you and your members to visit the Center and the museum when in Lebanon.
Yours Sincerely,
Guita Hourani, MA, MURP, PhD