2011 WLCU World Council meeting in New York & New Jersey

New York & New Jersey Chapters

 2011 WLCU World Council meeting in New York & New Jersey

 The North American Region, New York and  New Jersey Chapters are pleased to notify you and all our international and local chapters that we are pleased and ready to host the WLCU 2011 World Council meeting – in North America celebrating our 68th Lebanese independence day in November 11th and 12th .  Honoring two Lebanese successful figures in the United States and starting our dream project by launching a fund raising event to establish a headquarter location for the WLCU in New York or New Jersey areas near the United Nations. A tremendous amount of efforts and times have been used to allocate and secure the hotel, Conference room and the banquet room taking in considerations a good location and affordable cost to make this event successful and everyone happy; Also the council of Maronite Cathedral  is joining adventure with us in this event as a full partner.  Please find all the information with the attached files. Arrival is suggested to be at Newark Airport in New Jersey on the 17th, The conference will take place in November 18th from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, on the 19th from 8:00AM to 3:00PM and the banquet dinner will be on Saturday the 19th starting with the cocktail hour from   7:ooPM to 8:30PM and dinner from 8:30PM to 1:00AM. Also we did provide a code for the hotel reservation to be used for the special rate which is : ( WLCU ). If you may have any suggestions please feel free to inform us. Hoping to see you all in November.

Francois Abou Naaman
New York Chapter

Mourad Cario
New Jersey Chapter

Wajdi Al-Asmar
New York Chapter

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