The WLCU Chairperson of the Business & Economic Committee Mr. Antoine Menassa participated with The Club Des Entrepreneurs in France presided by Mr. Jawad Hajjar in the Honoring Dinner of the Lebanese Minister of Culture Mr. Gaby Layoun which took place during his visit to Paris.

The dinner was held at RIMAL Restaurant joining a large panel of Businessmen and Women among them Mrs. Artemis Keyrouz, Ms. Nada Chehab, and Ms. Ihjab Khoury (Adjointe au Maire XVIeme Arrondissement of Paris).
In his speech Mr. Layoun has expressed his wishes to collaborate with the Lebanese Diaspora announcing some future activities.
He also defined the actual budget allowed to the Ministry Of Culture which is actually really one of the smallest budgets of the Lebanese Republic … He has faith in the Diaspora and some sponsors abroad.