To commemorate the sixty-fifth anniversary of independence… Affirming its national constants in support of the unity, freedom and independence of Lebanon… In an ancient Lebanese atmosphere, a strong Lebanese cedar was overshadowed by the winds and hurricanes, during which the symbol of the motherland was fluttered by the eternal Lebanese flag, with a scent of loyalty to Australia and Lebanon, and full commitment to the issues of the motherland. In support of its current and future projects… The Lebanese cultural University of the world, with its Victorian and Continental Councils, has held a mass festival, marked by the intense presence and representation of Australian federal and local representatives.
To commemorate the sixty-fifth anniversary of independence… Affirming its national constants in support of the unity, freedom and independence of Lebanon… In an ancient Lebanese atmosphere, a strong Lebanese cedar was overshadowed by the winds and hurricanes, during which the symbol of the motherland was fluttered by the eternal Lebanese flag, with a scent of loyalty to Australia and Lebanon, and full commitment to the issues of the motherland. In support of its current and future projects… The Lebanese cultural University of the world, with its Victorian and Continental Councils, has held a mass festival, marked by the intense presence and representation of Australian federal and local representatives.

Australia, Mr. George Seitz, Vice-president of the Government of Victoria Jean Prambi, deputy Mr. Bernard Finn, representative of the opposition leader in Victoria Ted Palio, Secretary-General of the Continental Council of the Lebanese University, Mr. David Asmar, representative of the Minister of the Senate, participated in this major event Stephen Conroy, MP Khalil Idi, mayor of Hume Mr. Mohamed Ababshi, members of the municipalities of Darben and Murland, Diana Al Asmar and Mr. Toni Helou. L
ebanese, H.E. The Lebanese consul general in Victoria Dr. Mohamed Sakineh with his wife, and attended by the President of the Lebanese University, Mr. Antoine Jacob, president of the State of Victoria, Mr. Seid Hatem, and former Secretary-General of the university, Mr. Abdou Bjani, the legal advisor of the University Professor Serdor Asmar, Monseigneur Juzaf al-Taqshi, the Antonine Sisters, Monseigneur Yusuf Toma, August Edmond Andraos, August Elias Matthew, media representatives, Ms. Najwa Frax, Director of Telegraph newspaper, Mr. Hussam Chaabo, Director of SBS Radio, Mr. Tony Charbel, director of voice of Lebanon Radio, Mr. Fawzi BU Chaya, director of Radio Marhaba Lebanon, Professor Camille Massoud, director of Al Mustaqbal newspaper, owner of Lamraj Lounge Sheikh Kamil Zeina Media Flowers Hanna and the following Lebanese partisan, political, cultural and social institutions: the Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Communist Party, the Melbourne Brigades, the Lebanese Tiger Club, the Association of St. Romanos Hadchit, Bqerzla Charitable Association, al-Haakor Charitable Society, Zarta Society Charity, Zahlé Charitable Association, Karam Asfour Charitable Society, the Australian Lebanese club, Al Arz Sons Club, hantghal Sons ' Association Zahle, Dar by Ashtar Association, Lebanese House Committee, Kafr Habet Charitable Society, Al Khouri Association, al-Halabi Association, the Lebanese Heritage Committee, and the Sons of the water 100, the Association of the Sons of Sheikh, the presidents and members of the Lebanese University branches, as well as the following business organizations: Avren Kodmani, garden fruit, Rojo Cafe, Trinity Mobil and Arab Bank.
Ms. Sandra Bagjani, she presented the episodes of the rhetorical station of the programme, delivered a speech in English, in which she spoke about Lebanon, its long history and evolution over time, and the independence, its meanings and the struggle of the Lebanese to achieve and maintain it.
The festival sergeant, Dr. George Asaad, welcomed the attendees, thanking the Lebanese University for their participation in Lebanon's independence ceremony and the great challenge of heavy rains, storms, lightning and thunder, and hoped that Lebanon would truly enjoy peace, security and stability in the full and complete independence and the death of the fallen martyrs. Long live Lebanon.
The Lebanese University President, Mr. Side Hatem, congratulated the attendees and the members of the community on the Independence Day of the beloved nation of Lebanon and said: Every year at this time, the Lebanese University invites the community to share the joy of Eid and to exchange congratulations on the independence of our homeland. This date is one station of several stations symbolizing our independence. Since the dawn of history, our people have fought for their independence and freedom. Our ancestors enjoyed it for a while and then the invaders come again and then they are expelled and the ball returns, and so it was until yesterday near near that our country was a corridor and a stable of the invaders from the east came or from the West, our unity is the guarantee for us and for our children and for the preservation of our freedom and independence. Therefore, we must support our university, where it has been found to unite us in public and social culture and activities. Every year we honor the outstanding students in our Gallet and this is our pride and pride and we collect donations to the children's hospital and we are always distinguished in this field where the generosity and dignity of our people are highlighted. We want to talk with everyone, we derive our strength and our belief in your being with us, your university and you decide. On
behalf of the Lebanese Cultural University of the World – Victoria, and on my personal behalf, we extend to the representative of Lebanon the Consul general, Mr. Mohamed Sakineh, and his wife with warmest congratulations and wish everyone a nice days filled with With s
uccess, happiness and health. Representative of the Government of Victoria MP George Seetz, speaking here at the university and the Lebanese soon after independence, wishing Lebanon all the progress and prosperity, and read a message from the head of State government Jean-Brambi: Take this occasion, to extend the staff of the university and Lebanese in general In particular, I congratulate you on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence Day, affirming that the Lebanese people have achieved success and progress on their motherland and in all expatriates, so you have every reason
to be proud of your achievements. Australia and Lebanon have a strong and solid relationship, built on clear foundations, Victoria has a Lebanese community that has made an active contribution at all levels, and the Lebanese community has greatly helped al
l those who need it here and overseas. I am congratulate the Lebanese cultural University of the world – the Victorian State Council on the services it offers to the Lebanese Dalia in Victoria 40 years ago, and on Organize this special occasion of
independence. The Victorian Government is committed to developing its services for our multicultural society in order to build mutual trust and community harmony, and to strengthen community ties among all groups. Once again you have the most beautiful congratulations on the occasion of your motherland's Independence Day, wishing
everyone a wonderful evening. Deputy Mr. Bernard Finn, representing the opposition leader in Victoria, Ted Palio, delivered a speech from the occasion, in which he spoke of his pride in the strong relationship with the Lebanese community, during which he addressed the history of migration To Australia in general and to Victoria in particular, noting the achievements of the Lebanese in Australian society and the many contributions at all levels for Australia, its progress and development. Mr.
Finn spoke about the Lebanese civilization and the Lebanese heritage with which the migrants carried and published Among the members of the Australian community. He concluded with special congratulations on the occasion of Independence Day, noting the struggle of the Lebanese and their struggle for a free, mas
ter and independent society. In conclusion to the rhetorical aspect of the festival, H.E. The Lebanese consul general in Victoria, Dr. Mohamed Sakineh, develops a happy fe
ast for the community. By the way, the Lebanese University has distributed A booklet that included the words of the official, and presented a recorded tape, prepared by the former world President of the Lebanese University, engineer Anis Gharbet, on the history of the Lebanese University and its activities at the Lebanese and international level and the Lebanese immigration to all over the world, and by the way also distributed calculator to all attendees Submitted by
the Rector, Mr. Seid Hatem. On this anniversary, the world President of the Lebanese University, Mr. Elie Qadem of Lebanon, residing and scattered throughout all continents of the world in general and from every member of the Lebanese Cultural University in the world in particular, sincerely wishes God to protect Lebanon And his army and his people and give mercy to his martyrs who guided him with their souls and to keep Lebanon free, an in
dependent master. Artistically, the evening was revived by Omar al-Sidawi, and sang by the singer Fahmi Barakat, and the Rice Nightingale of Sydney, the artist Lahoud al-Hadhiti, and threw the poem of Zalool Antoine Prasona.
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Lebanese Cultural University of the world-Victoria