The Continental Council of the Lebanese Cultural University in the world-Africa elects Mohamed Hijazi as its president and d
emands the official allbenannine to stop all kinds of guardianship of the university
National councils and university campuses in Africa were held in Accra, Ghana, for two days in ۲۹ and 30 November 2008 under the patronage of the World Vice president of the university Chakib al-Rimal in the presence of World Secretary General George Abi Raad, who was specially presented by France, as well as the rector of the university, Eid al-Shdrawi Continental Secretary-General Pierre El Hadj, university officials in Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Benin, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea-Conakry.
The conference was opened in the presence of a crowd of the Lebanese community in Ghana where the vice president delivered a speech welcoming participants from across Africa, and saluted the President of the Republic for his efforts at home and abroad to give a positive image of Lebanon and stressed that embassies should be strengthened and consulates in the places where the Lebanese are heavily in alienation and called for activating contact with the activities of the communities with abilities and knowledge that would strengthen relations between Lebanon and expatriation. He concluded by inviting t
he children of the communities to respect the laws of the host countries and to deal with their people with perfection and gratitude Pretty.

The World Secretary General, who stressed the importance of this Conference as a first step towards the involvement of all the Lebanese communities in Africa, and called on the two conferences to activate their activities through several steps, the most important of which is to encourage the young element to work for the general benefit, to implement the rules of procedure of the university and to adopt Exchanging power to give the opportunity to all competencies and to avoid the lie down of the work of the emigrant, standing in the face of guardianship from any official or unofficial bodies, the establishment of conferences on the African continent on its territory and wished the Lebanese officials to express their encouragement and sponsorship of the work of the university by moving to Abroad and the participation of the Lebanese in their own hardships, especially in Africa.
He also invited the university branches to participate in the projects prepared by the World Council, including the definition of the Lebanese youth giving birth abroad and the host communities on the culture and heritage of Lebanon and the visibility of the civilization, co-financing the Ain Abel Hospital, urging the Lebanese spread to register their marriages and births Their children in the Register of Lebanese registration and to promote contact with businessmen to finance these projects. He concluded by remembering Gibran Khalil Jubran in his 125th anniversary of his birth, describing the expatriates like him "giving birth in the huts and dying in the knowledge deficit".
The Secretary-General of the continent also read out a statement in which he stressed the need for the university to be the whole Lebanese fabric in addition to enhancing the role of women because of its positive impact on improving the image of our communities and then reading his report for the period since the fifteenth World Congress in May 2007.

Mr. Mohamed Hijazi, President of the National Council of Ghana, reiterated his thanks for the success of the conferences and called for the need to devise appropriate solutions for all the problems experienced by the expatriates in the land and successive heads of branches participating in the Conference.
On the second day, an administrative body of the Continental Council was elected under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohamed Hijazi, and the Conference made the following recommendations:
1. To recall and affirm that the Lebanese cultural University of the world is a non-governmental, non-political and non-denominational institution that refuses to be the guardian of any Lebanese Directorate or ministry or of any destination in the country of hos
pitality 2. The support of His Excellency President Michel Sleiman in his endeavours to unite expatriate efforts.
3. To support all steps of the Lebanese State aimed at preserving the sovereignty, security and stability of Lebanon and to affirm the need to remove Lebanon from regional and international conflicts and conflicts and to preserve the unity and integrity of its
children. 4. Demand that Lebanese expatriates be granted some administrative privileges with a view to encouraging them To return to
Lebanon. 5. Urging Lebanese expatriates to register their marriages and their children's births and to preserve the language of the
ir country and traditions 6. To request the Government of Lebanon to find consulates and embassies in the places where the Lebanese are heavily present to facilitate their cases and provide them with services and preparation For
future elections. 7. To request the Lebanese State to implement the statement of the presidential section concerning the reconsideration of the Lebanese nationality of the non-deserving and the return of the Lebanes
e to those who lost it. 8. To demand the right of women to give Lebanese nationality to their children, and to a parliamentary committee conc
erned with the affairs and rights of expatriates. ۹-Lebanon TV to devote at least a weekly broadcast hour to the Lebanese communities in the world, in order to serve the rapprochement between resident L
ebanon and expatriate Lebanon. 10. Request by the Middle East Aviation (MEA) to provide flights to other countries where Lebanese nationals are present To improve its travel services to and from Africa, as in other regions.
The conference was marked by the accession of the first four Iraqis to the university projects, each of which donated $1 thousand dollars annually to finance the activities of the University, namely Messrs Chakib Al Rimal, Eid al-Shdrawi, Mohammad Hijazi and Bakry Alyas.
The conference was followed by several social encounters with the community in Accra.
Remarks by World Secretary-General George Abi Raad at the African continent Conference on 2 ۹ and 30 November 2008 in Accra, Ghana:
Officials of the Lebanese associations and members of the community in Ganagrat
officials of the university and the heads of branches in Africase
dati and gentlemen
I am delighted to be the guest of the Lebanese community in an African country and for the second time in a week to emphasize the keenness of the university administration to be in constant contact and the first encouraging to all branches of the Lebanese Cultural U
niversity in the world. Last week's meeting in Mali was a historic celebration of the community's interest in Meeting the invitation of the University branch to celebrate the Independence Day, where they sang together for the first time the Lebanese national anthem since independence, so our conference today will be full of meanings.
It is the result of the efforts we have made in recent years to revive the branches of the university in this dear continent, which is the answer of the communities and branches that decided to challenge all the pressures coming by those who want to put the voic
e of the expatriate. Our meeting today is only a step from a preliminary stage aimed at involving all Communities in African countries where the Lebanese are present. After many years of lie down to the university's activity in Africa, we see it as a duty to reactivate it through several steps:-Encouraging the
young element to work for the general benefit as it is full of vitality, ability and knowledge,-application of the in
ternal rules of the University and adoption of the exchange of power in respect of democracy In order to allow all competencies to have the opportunity and to avoid the lie down of work,-to stand up to the guardia
nship of any official or unofficial entity to deter interference with the affairs of the Community, which always adopts a policy of divide and conquer.-The establis
hment of the African continent's conferences on its territory and not in Lebanon. It is the right of the expatriate to evaluate his conferences where he lives and works. It is the duty of the officials of Lebanon, if they wish to provide any encouragement or sponsorship, to move to the diaspora in the countries of proliferation. This is one of the least of their duties in exchange for what the expatriate offers to his native homeland.
In addition to these steps, we invite the branches of the university present and absent to participate in the activities prepared by the World Council to employ the capacities of expatriates in cultural and humanitarian projects worthy of the size of Lebanese alienation, which aims to:-Stren
gthening the relationship between expatria
tes,-definition of the Lebanese youth That give birth abroad and host communities to the culture and heritage of Lebanon and the visibility of civiliza
tion,-tightening the relationship between the expatriate Lebanon and the
resident Lebanon. One of the most important pro
jects we are working on:-Honoring and encouraging Lebanese expatriates or friends of Lebanon who write about the history and culture of Lebanon And his legacy, as it happened in Paris, London, Las Vegas, Canada, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chile etc.-Securing
school and university scholarships how much has happened in Canada and Au
stralia,-organizing the election of Miss Lebanon expatriate around the world-co-fin
ancing the equipping of the care hospital in Ain Abel, in southern Lebanon, has The branches of Mexico, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Montreal and France have so far participated.-Preparation of a progr
amme for the teaching of Arabic language through the Internet, to carry o
ut awareness-raising campaigns for the Lebanese to encourage them to register their marriages and their children's births in the register of Lebanese registration so as not to lose Lebanese nationality, and another These are the paragraph campaigns we have created on our website which give the necessary instructions in five languages.-
The efforts made by world President Eli Governor and the World Council to claim the Lebanese State for the right of the deployment of voting in diplomatic bodies and the right to recover nationality For those who have lost it. This is part of wh
at the World Council and the university branches are doing. These projects can also be strengthened through the integration of additional human resources and the provision of the necessary funds. Therefore, the World Council has approved a program to contact businessmen and invite them to help finance these projects mentioned above, dubbed "the Iraqis", I ask you to work to ensure the demand for this program in a manner befitting the size and reputation of Lebanese businessmen known for their distinctive success in Africa.
In 2008, the university was dedicated to honoring Jaben Khalil Jubran in his 125th birthday, because the university sees in Jubran what it sees in itself a face that expresses Lebanon the message: The message of pluralism and unity, the message of freedom, tolerance and openness, the message of the spread of culture in the east, the message of meeting East with the west through Cultural exchange, the meeting of Cultures, civilizations and religions in response to the differences of civilizations, one voice, one opinion and intellectual oppression. Isn't thi
s the role of the university and its mission as well?
He ended with what the expatriate Gibran described as "giving birth in the huts and dying in the palaces of knowledge".
In conclu
sion, I would like to thank the World Vice president for Africa, Chakib al-Rimal, who has sought this meeting from the very moment of his election. I also thank the National Assembly, represented by President Mohamed Hijazi for hosting us and the Conference, and to the Continental Secretary-General Pierre El Hadj, who has worked since his appointment to visit all Countries participating today or contacting them to establish new branches and revive the old branches, as well as Mrs. Haifa Alshdrawi, Chairperson of the Committee for Women of Lebanese origin, which is active and energetic, especially in the humanitarian field in Ghana, and last but not least I thank the Dean of the young university Eid Shdrawi, who participates in all the international councils wherever they are held in four countries of the world, and remains very thankfu
l to all those who participated in the organization and who responded to the invitation and endured the hardships of travel.
Long live Ghana, long live Lebanese alienation, to hail Lebanon.
Address by Mr. Chakib Sands, World Vice president of the Lebanese Cultural University of the world, at the opening ceremony of the African Continental Conference on 2 ۹/11/2008 in Accra, Ghana:
Our gracious presence, conferences:
On behalf of the President and members of the World Council of the Lebanese Cultural University in the world, I welcome you with the most beautiful greeting, you have come easy, and I find myself and happiness at the beginning of my statement it is my duty to pay tribute to those who called for the convening of this African Continental Conference in Ghana, starting with the President of the World The secretariat, Mr. Eli Governor, who we wish to be among us today, but unfortunately the circumstances prevented it, to the presence of World Secretary general engineer George Abi Raad who honored us from Paris, to the rector of the university Sheikh Eid Lababa Alshdrawi and Professor Tony Saints head of the Beirut office and thank them all on your behalf Their support for the success of our endeavours and the achievement of the goals they have set for them, in the hope that this meeting will be followed by meetings between all Lebanese on all continents to review all the issues and problems that hinder their work and activities in the country of expatriation, and to develop appropriate solutions that help to remove them.
It is for your presence, gentlemen, to affirm that Lebanon, with its resident and expatriate wings, is living in a state of communication between its children, in the days of adversity and détente on its land. What we have experienced in the recent past and what we are witnessing and hearing now from the interests, gatherings and meetings taking place in Lebanon are only positive signs and a confirmation that We are the first Lebanese and the most beloved one on Sunday and for the United Nation, which has no country but us.
The fact that you have come from your places of residence with this purity in hearts and minds, it is clear that you are extending your hands to unite and intensify and work to reach the goal that you seek, which is the unity of the communities, to reunite and to live up to the right level of responsibility, under a single umbrella that is inclusive.
So: I appeal to you today and I invite you to understand the goals and objectives that have been called for this conference: To set limits on the interference that some people are airing in our ranks and to try to challenge the legitimacy of our representation and existence, and then to identify the main milestones of the newcycle that we can do together to remove these pitfalls that We are confronted in Africa and the majority of them are the result of interventions that have nothing to do with the essence of the principles on which the university is based.
Brothers, we look forward today to what is happening in the beloved homeland of Lebanon, and we are following the endeavours of His Excellency the President of the Lebanese Republic, Mr. Michel Sleiman, both domestically and externally, through his rounds and has so far given the positive meaning of the image of Lebanon abroad, especially after a tape To the suffering he has faced for some time, and we are confident that His Majesty will overcome all the obstacles that confront him, he is the man of the Times, the harmony and understanding and the leader of the ship to safety God willing.
From here, we pay tribute to His Excellency and strengthen his hands, he is the one who is the custodian of the country and the rise of his coat to the pride and prosperity and His Highness, and we appreciate his kind attention to the expatriates during the performance of the oath, and we renew the support provided to His Excellency Mr. Eli Governor, our president, and we are committed to the To assist in the holding of parliamentary elections if they are in the diaspora, and we note the decision to place his administration at the disposal of His Excellency to take the appropriate decision on the unification of the University under one umbrella, building on the right foundations and the constants on which this institution was founded, which was previously and must remain an institution other than Religious, non-partisan, and Noninvestment, whose main objectives are to tighten, diffuse, and spread the descendants of Lebanese descent into the motherland, rich in inheritance, culture and heritage, which we strive to remain a leading message with its resident and expatriate wings.
I also take the opportunity to raise the full range of the entire Lebanese state, some of our rightful demands: the right to be careful and to give to the affairs of expatriates and to grant them their legitimate rights, such as electing their deputies in their places of presence, like our fellow residents, because what we have for them and what we have in Lebanon, that is right A project for all and to enhance the presence of embassies and consulates in the places of the Lebanese in a lot of alienation, to let them stay in places far from the cities the trouble of the fruits and expenses, and the representatives of the embassies and consulates to be one distance from all the Lebanese no matter what Their groups, religions and parties, calling on them to use the communities with the abilities and knowledge of many of us to be alienated, are ready to invest these relationships and knowledge in strengthening relations between Lebanon and these countries.
As for the embassies and consulates of Durham, as well as for the Middle East Airlines, which is the bridge of communication between Lebanon and the countries of expatriation, so we draw the responsibility in the Lebanese State to instruct the officials of this sector to improve the choice of their staff and employees to ensure the best services for all Lebanese Equally, because this company is for all Lebanese and not to facilitate the matters of a certain group of people and to obstruct other things and we also call on them to invalidate the decisions taken recently and lead to fines the passengers unfair taxes against many who have to change their reservations for another reason, this is not permissible Fines, no matter what the reasons, as long as the change has a 72-hour deadline, now the fines are fine before this period.
We also call upon the State of Lebanon to amend some of its legislation relating to the rents adopted in the country in order to enable the expatriates to reclaim their rented homes and apartments under the laws of the decades and times in which Malka and Malik Griba have been hired, with the King's words to his hands. Even if he spends his money, his lament is to pursue the exploitation of these properties without the basic owners being able to live in it after a generation, these things are one of many things that make many expatriates return and lose their hopes, and reverse them closer to the motherland.
In the end, I invite you brothers to renounce any guardianship or domination over your branches and councils by any ministry or department or institution that was in your place, and to decline to deal with them in their affairs and tasks according to the applicable laws, because your institution is independent of your affairs, laws, regulations and freedom Make your decisions, and cooperate with the loved ones of the Motherland, who were in the spirit of the university and work to implement its systems and to build the right legal and institutional foundations that have modernized its system in a modern way to ensure its continuity as an effective and strong institution, and the real Parliament of the world of expatriation to be included in its ranks The Lebanese elite, which operates within structured and programmed methodologies, is driven by dynamic tools based on knowledge and jealousy on the nation and its sincerity.
You have taken to the world the message of love, peace and coexistence, thanks to your unparalleled activity and openness, and working hard to achieve the goals that you found in this country that hosted you in various commercial, industrial, cultural and urban sectors and you have a yard for your freedom And your successes, so we must be faithful to those countries that have given us these rights, respect their laws and do deal with with their people with idealism and gratitude.
Finally, I thank you for your listening, your participation and your presence, and I thank all those who contributed to the success of this Conference and were the sponsors, and I wish you success in this Conference and make the appropriate decisions for the people and the home that hosts you,
And to keep the beloved country Lebanon and you will continue.
Thank you for the rum.
Global Vice President sp
eech of the President of the National Council of the Lebanese Cultural University of the world-Africa Mr. Mohamed Hijazi:
Vice President of the World University and President of this conference Cha
kib al-Rimal, World Secretary general engineer George Ab
i Raad, friend Dean of the university Eid Lapa Alshdrawi, b
rothers Fellows heads of councils and branches in Ghana and Africa, br
others and sisters,
I am delighted to welcome you on behalf of th
e National Council in Gandiat. Hello and welc
ome. Welcome to our Conference, which I wish him success.
Brothers, we all know that we are facing difficulties in our work at the university, the Lebanese cultural University in the world, and we all know the reasons that have impeded and continue to hinder the work of the university and the causes, but to throw all that behind us and turn to the future, our future and the future of generations to come and that all that matters to us Now it is research and work to find how we can continue our work with understanding and cooperation to achieve the success we want in the diaspora that is no longer a country of alienation but it is like our mother country, Lebanon.
On this occasion, I would like to say, "My country, if
you are a neighbour, Ali Kara
mmawi Ahli, and to be on Karma
mabladi and to" measure "Ali Azi
za and Ahli and to" take care of Me "
A friend and friends who is today with us here told me: "Lebanon needs us today more than ever"; I told him, "No, Lebanon as my mother and father Arnaud to him and to seek his satisfaction, if I contribute to his progress and prosperity, this (as Amy and Abby) is a duty and a right for me. Lebanon has a right and a duty now, more than ever before, and we, dear brothers and sisters, must present this duty as far as we can. Now.. Now.
Here I remember Vesuvius when she screamed "Today, not tomorrow. Today today, not tomorrow.
The bells of return did not ring, let the bells ring but not the bells of return, but the bells of cooperation, progress and success in our work, in the success of L
ebanon. Lebanon is now following his footsteps forward under the leadership of General Suleiman, who has not assembled Lebanon as a leader. Al-Emad Suleiman.
Dear brothers and sisters, since we received the responsibility of the administration of the National Council of Ghana, we have begun to coordinate fully with the university through the vice president of the world Chakib al-Rimal and the Brigadier general (and I do not say) Dear Eid Lapa Alshdrawi (and titles reserved and respectable).
We started to coordinate with everything we've planned and done, and I'll leave a chance to talk about it to the Secretary-General of the National Council of Ghana, Professor Nabil Basbous.
In conclusion, I have the sincere greetings and wishes of our Conference for success.