The WLCU (formerly WLU) was established as a Non-Governmental Organization

During the WLU second World convention, held in Beirut( 20-22 August 1964) final constitution was adopted, where the Article one in Chapter one was crystal clear, the WLU is an NGO, however only in the year 2001, the WLCU decided to seek the recognition of the United Nations System as an NGO.
Today, we are an active NGO in the Department of Public Information, We are proud that our application for “association” with the United Nations – Department of Public Information was evaluated and approved by the committee in 2009. Thus, we are entitled as an “associated” NGO with the DPI of the UN .From this point on, we started to include this information in all our e-publications, and events…
We plan to have a joint events with the United Nations/Department of Public Information in order to disseminate the UN’s philosophy, and to establish a close cooperation between the United Nations Information centres (UNIC) and our Regional bodies.
We would like to express special THANKS to all who have supported the WLCU in this process via their reference letters:
Mr Walid Maalouf:
– Alternate Representative of the USA to the UN.
– Director for Public Diplomacy at USAID.
Ms Jenny Moss: Director Red Cross, British Columbia, Canada
Also We would like to THANKS the World Council of the WLCU for their full logistic support during and after this process, namely:
World President : Eng. Anis Garabet (2005-2007);
World Secretary General: Georges Abi Raad (2005-2009);
Deputy World Secretary General: Dr Nick Kahwaji ( 2001-2009);
International Legal Advisor : Attorney Steven Stanton (2005-2010);
Alternate Representative to the DPI/UN: Mr Sid Chidiac.
Finally we would like to thanks all the volunteer staff and the representatives of the organization for their contributions to the WLCU, in helping us reach this point.
Chronology: WLCU as an NGO
– 1959 the World Lebanese Union ( was launched from Mexico as an NGO (non governmental organization )
– 1960 1st congress in Lebanon;
– 1964 2nd congress in Lebanon, the first WLU constitutions and By-Laws clearly define that it is a Non Governmental Organization
– WLU changed its name in 1972 to WLCU
– During the WLCU world national councils meeting in Mexico on may 2000 ,Dr Walid Phares introduced the idea, that the WLCU should seek “the recognition of the United Nations as an NGO” ,it was the first time we heard about the subject.
– The opening session of the 12th world congress in Mexico was on may 2001 and its closing session was in Las Vegas on march 2002 : decision to create the “Commission of international relations” ,Dr Phares was elected W VP for international affairs.
-2003: 13th world congress in Miami and the election of Joe Baini WP and Walid Phares as WSG : for the first time the WLCU start acting freely as an NGO, the Dialogue with the Lebanese authority was shut down due to “non respect of the basic human right of the Lebanese people”. Contact was established with western govern, diplomatic missions at the UN , and the European Union, to find a way to free Lebanon from the occupied army. but little effort was made to advance the application of the NGO status.
– 2005: 14th World congress in Sydney and the elections of Anis Garabet WP with Georges Abiraad as WSG : Nomination of Nick Kahwaji to follow up on the NGO application. We re- established contact with Attorney Steve Stanton(International lawyer from Australia) WHO VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT NO COST TO THE WLCU .
Attorney Stanton visited the UN headquarter in NY more than once ,also visited the UN in Geneva , visited the UNESCO office in Paris , came to Canada and met with Deputy Sec.Gen Dr Nick Kahwaji , then went to LA and met with WP Anise Garabet and left to Paris and met personally with WSG Georges Abiraad to finalize the application .He gave us the needed Guidance,and the instructions to fill up the application by explaining the procedure ,he presented us with a road map to apply successfully and to be accepted .Anise ,Georges ,and Nick worked tirelessly to collect documents , newsletters ,archives, etc, that involved all our organization’s activities for the preceding ten years (along with the proper application to
the UN in NY and a duplicate to the UNESCO in Paris).
In 2009, the WLCU got the accreditation as a member of the DPI,
A weekly briefing of the UN headquarter to discuss various subjects, and our delegate Mr. Sid Chidiac attend them all.
In September 2009, the WLCU delegation attended the 62nd conference of the DPI (department of public informations) of the UN in Mexico
As an observer, the WLCU attended the 64th general assembly of the U N, their our dele gate Mr Sid Chidiac met the Lebanese president gle Michel Sleiman and put him inform about the presence of the WLCU.
On the 18th & 19th of March 2010, the WLCU delegation attended the orientation session of the DPI
From August 30th till the 2nd of September 2010, the WLCU delegation attended the 63rd world conference in Melbourn,
On June 2nd and 3rd 2011, the WLCU delegation will attend the orientation session at the UN Headquarter, NewYork.
Finally, from 3rd till the 5th of September 2011, the WLCU delegation will attend the 64th world conference in Germany,