Artist Beranrd Renno owner and founder of Vestiges D’orient organized a reception in Honor of Dr Nick kahwaji,on may 13, his ” Atelier D’art” in Dbaye’ Beirut.
Dr Kahwaji receiving an original painting from Artist bernard Renno( middle) Dr Antoine Khoury Harb on the right.
Presents are the Artists from the group vestiges d’orient Jean Zammar/ Mountaha Chouity Saikali / Rosy Krikorian Hankach/Lolita Haroun Abou Samah/Rita Daccache.
also Dr Antoine Khoury harb ( Historian) and Mr Georges Faddour( PIRC representative to lebanon).
” Thanks for those Artists who took the imitative to appreciate your hard work, your services and your devotion to the Lebanese abroad /To Tell the historians, that the 125 Lebanese who died on the Titanic, were all Lebanese and they will not be forgotten.”
Lolita haroun Abou Samah
Rosy Hankash
Mountaha Chouiti Saikaly