Dr Mohamed El-Choum, Ph.D., Regional President expressing North America response to the World President e-mail…

Dr Mohamed El-Choum, Ph.D., Regional President expressing North America response to the World President e-mail

Dear World President Alejandro Kuri Pheres,
We are so pleased of the well-advised and wise decision that you have made after a tireless efforts spent by you personally trying to unite the union. We the WLCU in North America (USA & Canada) gave you full support to proceed with the unification process in good intention. I know that some members started to complain and lose patience due to the fact that you gave the negotiations process too much of your time and the organization time as well. Our support and our confidence in your leadership and in your judgement was in place you did not disappoint us and we are proud of your resolution and the final end result.
We commend you on your keen drive, concern and determination to keep the unity of our union secure and strong. We have a lot to offer to our beloved country at this time in keeping our organization focused on objectives that you have mentioned in your letter. Moreover, let us focus on building the organization’s structure and bylaws accordingly to nourish a smooth transfer of power and responsibilities without the influence of individuals.
Yours remain,

Mohamed El-Choum, Ph.D., Regional President
WLCU North America (USA & Canada)
official copy:
Dr Mohamed El-Choum, Ph.D., Regional President expressing North America response to the World President e-mail

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