Tender to be launched by CDR |
The railway linking Tripoli to Abboudiyeh, on the northern border, will be rehabilitated at a cost of $25 million.
The Council of Ministers has tasked the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) with conducting a feasibility study and search for grants and funds to carry out the project.
The 25 km-long railway will be linked, at a later stage, to the Arab railway network passing through Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. It will first be used to transport cargo, then passengers.
“This project is expected to boost Tripoli’s economy, especially since the railway is located next to the recently expanded port and oil installations,” said Ziad Nasr, Director of the General Directorate of Railways and Public Transport at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
The CDR is working with the General Directorate to prepare the terms of reference, in order to hold a public tender for the project. |