Director Hourani Meets WLCU World President Mr. Alejandro Kuri Pheres in Mexico City
August 26, 2014
Dr. Guita Hourani, Director of the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) of Notre Dame University (NDU) and Campaign Coordinator for the “Lebanon Land of Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures” (LDC) initiative was invited by the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) World President Mr. Alejandro Kuri Pheres for a business dinner in Mexico City. The dinner took place at the idyllic San Angel’s restaurant and was attended by Mrs. Nancy Kuri Pheres, Alejandro’s wife, and Mr. Carlos and Mrs. Patty Matuk Kanan.
From left to right: Dr. Hourani, Mr. Kuri Pheres and his wife Mrs. Nancy Kuri Pheres (August 2014)
Mr. Kuri Pheres discussed his plan of action for his two-year presidency of the WLCU and shared his concerns regarding Lebanon and the Middle East with Dr. Hourani. He sought the insights of Dr. Hourani regarding his plan of action and conversed about his upcoming visit to Lebanon and the Lebanese Emigration Research Center at NDU. The conversation encompassed the importance of the LDC initiative and the electronic petition addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations and the Member States, as well as the continuation of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed between the WLCU and LERC/NDU by former President Eid Chedrawi.
Mr. Kuri Pheses expressed his enthusiasm regarding cooperation with LERC/NDU and his appreciation for the Center’s mission and accomplishments.
Mr. Kuri Pheres and Mr. Matuk Kanan are both lawyers who were born in Mexico of Lebanese fathers. They are both proud of their heritage and have served as presidents of the Centro Libanès.
LERC Staff