The celebration of the International Day of the Lebanese Emigrant (2014) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
To conclude the 2014 AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the Lebanese Canadian Society of BC (LCS of BC), Eng. Camille Louis, the LCS President
opened the Symbolic celebration of the International Day of the Lebanese Emigrant by saying: “Today we remember all the first comers from Lebanon to Canada, and especially the ones who founded the Lebanese Canadian Society in 1965, as we acknowledge their suffering and we celebrate their success, we will continue to stress on investing in our youth, by encouraging their activities, promoting the Lebanese Heritage and expanding the Arabic languages classes. We truly believe they are the future of the LCS and the future of the local Lebanese community.”
John Badr, the president of the WLCU-BC council,
recognized the LCS in their outstanding efforts investing in the youth, expressing his satisfaction to see the Arabic language classes – run by the LCS – became an official centre (“Lebanese Learning Centre of Vancouver – LLCV”), where the kids could not only learn the language but the Lebanese Dabke, and different aspect of their Culture. Mr badr invited everybody to donate in the Benches Project at the Queen Elizabeth Park, to honor 2 past presidents of our societies.
Dr Nick kahwaji,
, explained the meaning of celebrating this day in BC and Worldwide, stressing of the big efforts needed to celebrate such exclusive day by the whole Lebanese Diaspora, like the Irish who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, or the Quebeckers who celebrate the St. Jean’s Baptiste Day.
Dr. Kahwaji introduced the digital documentary “Cedars in the Pines” that commemorates 130 years of Lebanese in North Carolina.
After the projection of the “movie”, LCS President Eng Camille Louis opened the reception and invited everybody to share the buffet of Lebanese finger food.
We would like to thanks Ms Bearta Powell for offering us the DVD, and opening a channels of communications between the WLCU-BC council and the Triangle Lebanese association of North Carolina.