ulcm/wlcu.org would like to share with you the letter addressed by the Past World Secretary General WSG to all who worked with the past WLCU administration for the last 2 and half years:
From: Dr. Nick Kahwaji Past WSG
In the name of the Past Administration of the WLCU (Oct 2009-Mar 2012) I would like to wish the new administration all the best, and also to send a sincere thank you to all who worked with us for the last 2 and half years .
I would like to thanks the following :- The WP for all the effort ,travel and the personal budget he invested
- The President of the Board of trustees, the Vice President
- The members of the Arbitrating Committee
- The Secretariat General’s Team, for their Dedications and hard work
- All the World Vice Presidents for their support and participation
- All the Chairpersons of the World committees for their specialized work and success
- All the members of the NGO Committee, and all the representative at the UN
- The World Legal Advisor ,the WP Advisor, the WSG legal Advisor
- The Beirut office, Chairman and employee
- The Mexican National council for their hospitality, and for the 16 and 17 congress preparation.
- All the regional councils, National and states councils
- All the members, especially the youth and the Ladies
- All the delegates who attended the 17 world congress, especially the Historical world Leaders: Anuar Kuri and Joseph Younes.
- The founders of the PIRC (Phoenician international research centre),and to the LERC (Lebanese emigration research centre).
- All our Families who supported us, and helped us, and are relieved to have us back into family affairs.
A special thanks to the WLCU – British Columbia – Council who believed in my plan to take the WLCU to a higher level of performance, and supported me to the end.
Thank you All for your support and God Bless you .Past World Secretary General
Dr. Nick Kahwaji
April 2010