The WLCU World Secretary General met P.M. Siniora in Paris on Jan 26th 07

Friday, 02 February 2007

The World Secretary General of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU),  Mr. Georges Abi Raad, met with Lebanese Prime Minister, Mr. Fouad Siniora, and the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tarek Mitri. The meeting took place in Paris, on Friday, the 26th of  January 2007.

Mr. Abi Raad reasserted to the Lebanese ministers the WLCU’s support of the Lebanese Government, the International Tribunal, and the UNSCR 1701. He also delivered to them a WLCU letter asking Lebanese Government  to issue a declaration to end the supervision and all kind of interferences in the WLCU’s affairs practiced by the Emigration Director General, recalling the fact that the WLCU is a Non Governmental Organization, and not an extension of the Lebanese Government or any of its ministries. 

Mr. Abi Raad explained that any official dealings with Ahmad Nasser, even receiving him by government officials, could be misconstrued by Nasser and others as the legitimacy he desperately seeks while he is the product of the remnants of the pro-Syrian regime in Lebanon.


Prime Minister Siniora and Minister Mitri expressed their understanding and their awareness of the situation, as well as their willingness to address it once the internal circumstances are more suitable.


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