The 62nd Annual DPI/NGO Conference in Mexico City from 9 to 11 September 2009

Tuesday, 03 November 2009

Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the host country, Mexico, welcomed ‎Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, who opened the 62nd Annual ‎Conference of DPI/NGO (Department of Public Information for the Non-governmental Agencies). ‎

The theme of this Conference is DISARM NOW: Desarme Ahora! Trabajemos por la Pax y el ‎Desarrollo.‎

 Active Image      Active Image

During the three-day conference, there were panel discussions in the morning, over 10 ‎workshops each afternoon, then debriefings and then closing on Friday evening.  ‎

Were present in these workshops:
‎-‎ Mr. Anwar Khoury the Former President of the World Lebanese Cultural Union
‎-‎ Mr. Alejandro Khoury the President of the National Council of the WLCU in Mexico
‎-‎ Mr. Bechara Bechara the President of the Regional council of Latin America of the WLCU
– Mr. Sid Chidiac,  Alternative Repesentative of the WLCU at the DPI-UN, from New York
‎-‎ Mrs. Mahassen Mara Hanna from the WLCU on the Hudson NJ-NYC Chapter – USA
‎-‎ Dr. Patricia Brummell from the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
‎-‎ Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation (US )‎
‎-‎ Dr. Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Vice President of Programs, EastWest Institute (India/US)‎
‎-‎ Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action (US)‎
‎-‎ Alexander Pikayev, World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Moscow ‎‎(Russia)‎
‎-‎ Mr. Roberto Zamora, a Lawyer and a native of Costa Rica. ‎
‎-‎ Mr. Tadatoshi Akiba, the current mayor of Hiroshima, Japan, and president of Mayors for ‎Peace worldwide network of municipal leaders


– Wednesday at 3:30, first workshop:‎
Warfare or Welfare: Which Priorities?‎
Sponsor: International Peace Bureau (Switzerland)  ‎
Co-Sponsors: NGO Committee for Disarment, Geneva
‎                     Pax Christi International. ‎
‎                     Peace Action‎
‎                     Peace Boat.  ‎
This workshop was in room number 2, Ex Templo Corpus Christi (Ex of Corpus Christi) in the ‎Ministry of Foreign Affairs.‎
‎ ‎
Jeffrey V. Huffines-  Chair of the NGO/DPI Executive Committee

– Thursday, September 10, 2009‎
Kiyo Akasaka, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information from the UN
‎ ‎
Charles Hitchcock – Peace Action International Chair, 62nd Annual DPI/NGO Conference. He is ‎the one who organized this event. ‎
‎ ‎
From 12-1:30, I attended the round table: ‎
Breakout Sessions-Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  ‎
‎ ‎
From 3:30-5:00‎
Disarm Now to Create a Culture of Peace: Using Advocacy, Activism and Art to Speak out Against ‎Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.  ‎
Sponsor: KIK- Kulturel Information and Koordination (Denmark)‎
Co-Sponsors: The Ribbon International
‎                      Peace Action
‎                      Social- Cultural Association DJs Contra La Fam‎
‎                      Women’s Caucus for Art
This workshop was in building 6. Museo Franz Mayer (Franzs Mayer Museum).‎

– Friday, September 11, 2009  ‎
Roundtable IV:‎
New Challenges and Perspectives for Global Development and Security for the 21st Century
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‎10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. 

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