
In Memoriam,Mr.Michel Ayache, father of Judge Alain Ayache has passed away

We have the regrets to inform you that Mr. Michel E. Ayache, father of our colleague and friend Judge Alain Ayache has passed away in Lebanon on December 1st 2012 at the age of 82.

Michel E. Ayache was a respectful businessman and well known from the business community in Lebanon. He leaves behind his wife Samira Fayad, his daughter Rose-Marie Ayache Moukarzel, and his two sons, Elias and Judge Alain.

Judge Alain Ayache said that he has learned from his dad, the principles of respect, honesty and tolerance. Further, he said that his father taught him to be open and fair vis-à-vis others and this is what Judge Ayache has applied against all odds during his mandates as WLCU representative in Quebec from 2001 until 2007 and later on as a Canadian Federal Citizenship and Immigration Judge from 2009 until recently.

Judge Ayache also learned from his dad to love his city of birth, Deir el-Qamar, capital of the Emirs, city he continues to visit on regular basis where his family house dates back to the Emir period.

His eternal love for Lebanon and the hope that one day his son Alain and family would come back to their roots, i.e. Lebanon, haunted Michel E. Ayache to the last minute.  Lebanon and the Lebanese Culture was a point of honor for the Ayache family across the different generations especially that the Ayache family originally from Deir el-Qamar has spread in the Americas (North and Latin America) since two centuries.  

May he rest in Peace. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends. Allah Yerhamo and our condolences to Alain and to all the Ayache families in Lebanon, Europe, Canada, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia and Peru.

Our friend Alain Ayache, PhD,was a WLCU Sole representative and spokesperson of WLCU  in the Province of Quebec 2001-2007

Regional board member NA region WLCU – 2004-2008

VP World Youth 2001-2009

Organized the first meeting with the RH Stephen Harper in 2006

Organized the first major event for the WLCU fundraising awareness campaign in Quebec in 2007 that gathered three federal ministers and two US officials in Canada

Got the official recognition of the Government of Canada for the WLCU and its chapters.

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