Lebanon's Jewish population has dwindled from 7,000 in 1967 to just 35 in 2006

Lebanese Emigrants Economic Conference in Beirut 2015 Promoting Social and Responsibility among Emigrants in Host Countries, By Antoine Menassa

Lebanese Emigrants Economic Conference –Promoting Social and Responsibility among Emigrants in Host Countries.
By  Antoine Menassa World WLCU Chairperson Economic Committee.
 Full Intervention During Session Five – 

Moderator : Mr Ahmad Nasser  Former President WLCU-Beirut
Speakers : Mr Habib Jaafar , Executive Chairman of Apple & Pears Ltd Nigeria
Mr Said Fakhry , Chairman Interplast Limited Ghana 
Mr Ramzi Haidar , Honorery Consul Of Sao Tome and Principe
Mr Antoine Menassa, World Chairperson Of The Economic Committee , World Lebanese Cultural Union (NGO)

In Latin America, the Lebanese community congregates mostly around the churches, Lebanese  Clubs and cultural associations and their interaction with the local communities takes place essentially, though activities organized and sponsored by these institutions.

Another organization that has an active role in social contributions is the World Lebanese Cultural Union through its chapters disseminated in different cities throughout the continent .

Also there are many individuals of Lebanese origin of high net worth that regularly participate in social and philanthropic activities in their place of residence.

There are two well known and highly reputable medical institutions which were founded by Lebanese and today provide health service for the general public but keep their communal origin and belonging to the diaspora: they are the HOSPITAL SIRIO- LIBANES of Sao Paulo in Brasil and HOSPITAL SIRIO-LIBANES of Buenos Aires in Argentina. In both cases they are highly regarded and well known in their respective countries. The Director of the Hospitals are in general doctors from the Lebanese community as are the members of the boards. The community participates actively in obtaining funding for the improvement of the facilities and also for the provision of services to needy people.

Another important organization is the Home of the Elderly in Mexico City where the Lebanese community provides homes, health and services to old people who do not have the means. Anybody qualifies and does not have to be part of the Lebanese community. The main qualifier to be able to apply for the residence in these home is the need and incapacity to pay.

Throughout Latin America, in many cities are schools that have the name of “Republica del Libano”. In most cases these schools were either built, furnished or renovated by the Lebanese community, in general as part of the social services that the different chapters of the WLCU provide in their local cities. These Schools maintain a link to the community who contribute permanently with donations, grants scholarships and also help the students learn about Lebanon, its costumes, tradition, history and culture. Typically the Lebanon Independence Day is celebrated in these schools and there are Flag carrying students in most official celebrations of the Lebanese Consulates and the chapters of the WLCU.

Also in most cities and towns in Latin America, there is a “Lebanon Square” which is cared for and maintained by the WLCU local chapters. Typically there is the local national flag as well as the lebanese flag and in many cases a bust of Khalil Gibran or a Cedar of Lebanon either in a form of an actual tree or in a brass statue.

Churches such as the Maronite, Orthodox and Melkite, all have social activities and organize many programs to support the poor, the elderly or needy children. All this give the Lebanese community a good image as generous and actively involved in the help with social consciousness.

As for economic development, the Lebanese community has always been an engine of growth an development socially in small towns and villages, not so much as an organized community but through the ingenuity and
creativity of Lebanese individuals who brought with them progress, created jobs, established business, factories and became professionals providing services in all areas. In many small towns in Latin America at the beginning of the 20th century , the Lebanese merchants were the first to bring a TV or a washing machines or different elements of progress.

Many Lebanese strove to have their children finishing school and go to Universities, and the second and third generation lebanese in most cases were professionals involved in all kind of activities ans very many of them became famous and enjoyed a very high reputation contributing to the growth of science and knowledge.

There were many lebanese also involved in politics and there were a great number of parliamentarians, ministers and even Presidents of Lebanese origin, who from their offices helped making their nations of birth or residence a better place.

The lebanese were also always present in academia and education at all levels, primary and secondary schools as well as university. In the last few years, a new institution was founded to promote the Lebanese identity and actively participate in the academic and cultural life of the region, that is the Latin American Center for Lebanese Studies (CELIBAL) which continuously organizes seminars, symposiums, conferences and lectures to connect Lebanon and the Middle East in general with the different countries of Latin America. CELIBAL is composed of highly educated professionals of Lebanese origin with diverse skills and areas of knowledge and expertise.

– I can also add that all of the expatriates, in any country contribute indirectly by paying taxes.

– Some examples could be provided about Lebanese expatriates contributing socially to their communities through charity and social work. For instance, give the example of NGOs established around the Globe by the Lebanese, in addition to other examples WLCU World Lebanese Cultural Union … American Task Force .., PIRC Phoenician International Research Center in North Carolina USA

– The emphasis should be also placed on the fact that most Lebanese expatriates are not multimillionaires . However , they contribute collectively to small initiatives like building churches, schools among other social projects – A contribution that does not have to be on a big done on a big scale.

– Most importantly, the Lebanese expatriates’ contribution to their community comes in line with laws and regulations in order to insure that their emigration status is fully legal at all times .They do not get into trouble or evade taxes .

In their majority, Lebanese migrants have integrated well in various geographic, climatic, racial, political, economic, social, cultural environments while preserving their own identities and cultural traits and aspects . From the Middle East all the way to Africa, the Americas. Europe and the Oceania and to the recent migration destination , to the Far East and Eastern Europe, Lebanese have adhered to social responsibilities in their host countries. They have become visible in their societies and respected for their hard work and their citizenship. They have weaved excellent inter-relations on all levels which made them stand out despite their smaller population size. Their entrepreneurial and political inter-relations have been the most prominent.
The Lebanese emigrants or Expatriates have contributed enormously to the host countries, economically and socially. They contributed individually and collectively.

INDIVIDUALLY, Lebanese Expats have been prominent in the field of medicine science, politics, military, art, entertainment, judiciary, engineering, academics, business, sports, journalism and finance. … One ought to mention in Art and Litterature one of our most known Historical Heroes Gibran Khalil Gibran , who was a painter and a Philosopher in the US . In most daily weddings in North America you will hear a sentence reported to the Prophet of Gibran …. In Politics One ought to mention as well Senator Ralph Nader , Ray Lahood , Spencer Abraham , Darrell Issa … Military General John Abou Zaid ….Medical Field Professor Debakey . Professor Robert Chahine , Professor Philippe Salem , Scientist Charles Ashi among many others … Entertainment Dany Thomas … Judiciary James Kadoo … Human Rights Charles Malek …. Engeneering Hassan Kamel El Sabbah . This is not to mention Henri Jibrael or Elie Abboud who are Members of French Parliement Also , Prof Jean Marc Ayoubi From North Lebanon , who received a week ago the highest French decoration Legion d honor … Will sure continue with the three Carloses in Mexico … Carlos Slim Telmex … Carlos Ghosn President of Renault in France and Amin Maalouf who is a prominent Member of Academie Francaise …

COLLECTIVELY , Lebanese Expats have worked through numerous NGO’s promoting the Lebanese culture around the world and collaborating with the UN system and with local NGO’s , servicing the highest interests of Mankind. I may give some examples that Lebanese expatriates contribute socially to their communities through charity and social work . For instance NGOs established in France by the Lebanese Anta Akhi Association … The Churches Foyer Franco Libanais rue d ‘ Ulm in Paris or Saint Charbel established in Las Vegas Desert Teaching Arabic to the sons of Emigrant s born abroad and examples from Mexico Centro Libanes …
Social interactions between migrants and host society occurs through different kinds of contacts including inter-relations in businesses and workplaces, inter-relations through friendships and intermarriages, inter-relations in the public spaces especially on the local and neighborhood levels as well as inter-relations during national holidays, national misfortune and national successes among others.
Lebanese Expats served in the armies to defend their host countries and many died or were injured. They have also served in various political positions, established successful businesses which served to create jobs and/or opened opportunities for cultural exploration, they have been donating to build schools, roads, community centers, clubs, sports arenas, and hospitals. They have showed loyalty and love for their host countries General Abi Zeid and some died during last World Wars ….
The Lebanese dispora youth have been socially engaged in various civil societies and many of them have been visible leaders in their communities in issues related to the environment, social justice, sports, community development, peace and dialogue among others.
Some of the reasons behind the fact that the majority of the Lebanese Expats demonstrate social responsibility toward their host countries are the following :
a) Lebanon has always encouraged its migrants to integrate, respect their host countries and to be good citizens in their societies and good ambassadors for Lebanon; 
b) Lebanon accepts dual citizenship; 
c) Lebanon is a peaceful country , not instigating its migrants to create trouble or to take positions against their host countries;
d) Lebanon has also maintained good diplomatic relations with most of the countries where there are sizable Lebanese migration.

In Conclusion …
The lebanese have been embarking on the path of adventures . What could begin with a few weeks’ stay could drag on for 50 years of life in a country , where they soon become part of its social fabric . They last for ever in their country of adoption and integration ….
The actual Mexican President Enrique Peno Nieto at his first visit to the Centro Libanes ( Existing Club since 19 Diciembre 1941 Cause a grupo de amigos , Hombres de Negocios Escucharon a don Miguel E Abed decir que su amigo , el Presidente Manuel Avila Camacho , le habla manifestado sentia que debirian construer una casa libanes…. La idea se forma unanime y se fundo una sociedad con un capital de un million de pesos ) …. Presidente Enrique Peno Nieto during his speech addressed to Mexican Of Lebanese origin used wording of Mexican Poet JAIME SABINES GUTTIEREZ who said The Lebanese who come to Mexico adopt and has adopted this country like a father who choose his family (Jaime Sabines) …. The actual President added “ The Lebanese community has found it second Nation ( Patria ) in which they can live and work in full Freedom… Being happy choosing and creating their home family …. Preserving their habits , their customs and realize their dreams …..” BUT FEELING IN THEIR INSIDE LEBANESE EDUCATING THEIR CHILDREN WITH THEIR LOVE TO THEIR HOMELAND ….

Antoine Menassa
WLCU World Chairperson Economic Committee
HALFA President France

Many and Special Thanks To Dra Guitta Hourani NDU Mr Sergio Jalil President Of Celibal Estudios Libaneses –

To Former WLCU President Mr Anise Garabet

To Dr Nassib Ghobril For Their Help and Data In This Article ….

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