WLCU delegation participated in the first conference to defend the Christians of the middle East, in Washington.

WP Alejandro Kuri Pheres participated in the JOMALI conference in Veracruz – Mexico
As part of the international journey of our President Alejandro Kuri Pheres, last 13 to 15 of September took place the Mexican Lebanese national youth convention from JOMALI sponsored by WLCU and Centro Libanes Mexico at the beautiful port of Veracruz in the gulf of México. At the presence of more than 200 young participants Mr Kuri spoke about the actual situation in Lebanon, the presidential and the Syrian refugees’ crisis. He sensibilize the young audience about the actual risks in our motherland and how the Diaspora  can help.
Our President also informed them about his hard efforts to reunite both WLCUs and ask for their confidence and support which was full and unanimous.
At the convention Ray Perea Kuri ended his presidency of the JOMALI and the next president for 2014-2015 Hassib Moustafa took office.
Participating at this important event were Nissrin Esber world President for the Youth, Antoun Nakad honorary President for JOMALI, Gregorio Chedraui president of Club Libanes Veracruz, Alfredo Alam President of Club Libanes Puebla, Ricardo Kahwaji President of Club Libanes México and Msgr George Saad AbiYounes Maronite Bishop for México Central América and Venezuela.
  The official picture of the event was taken at the emigrant statue reminding all the participants about their links and commitment for Lebanon.
Alejandro and youth in veracruz
On other hand, WP Alejandro Kuri Pheres and SG Toni Kaddissi will travel to Chile to participate in the annual congress of the World Council for youth and the meeting of the WLCU Regional Council of Latin America which will begin tomorrow and last for 3 days, in the presence of WLCU officers and members from all the countries of Latin America to discuss several subjects related to the WLCU and the Lebanese

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